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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Detroit Sunday Journal, 3100 E. 135 to subscribe, or, for more information. Subscrip tion price is $15 for three months (no refunds). Second-class pending, postage paid at Detroit, Mich, and additional offices. PAGE 2 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL OURNAL The Detroit Sunday Journal is published weekly by Detroit Sunday Journal Inc., 3100 E. Great Lakes then billed the patients’ insurance companies and paid as See PAIN, Great Lakes/Southern Medical re cruited chiropractors to lease them space in their offices and to refer patients to them for neurological tests. Eight local chiropractors have en tered pleas with the federal govern ment in the investigation so far, said people with knowledge of the case. More than 50 state chiropractors and Great Lakes Diagnostics of Michi gan, which also bills under Southern Medical Devices and several other names, are the targets of the investi gation. A federal grand jury, the FBI and the Michigan Attorney General’s Office health care fraud division are investigating what agents described as a kickback scheme to defraud in surance companies.

In the Detroit area and across the state, hundreds of patients who un wittingly submitted to the tests in the offices of their chiropractors - at costs of $2,150 to $5,500 - are being hound ed with lawsuits for payment as insur ance companies have refused to pay for the procedures. INDEX Business Classifieds Crossword Editorials Life & Times Agents target By Norman Sinclair Journal Staff Writer © Copyright 1996 Detroit Sunday Journal Federal and state authorities are investigating a Florida company that used a nationwide network of chiro practors, including dozens in Michi gan, to bill insurance companies for millions of dollars’ worth of neurologi cal tests described as useless by med ical experts. SPORTS Wings’ thing: Detroit continues its playoff march today against the St. enTeWt aYn'S'en't" Danny does Detroit: Former child star Bona- duce is an airwaves hit at Q95. nation & "world’ South Africa celebrates the dawning of a new day with a national constitution. Health careless doctors and kickback charges ©TDSJ INSIDE Journal photo by GEORGE WALDMAN CITY & STATE Happy Mother’s Day. “When that thing hit, I could have just jumped off the table,” she said. medical test in which electrodes were fastened to her. 26 75 CENTS SUND^K DURNAL Journal photo by REBECCA COOK Charlotte Lovelady’s insurer denied a claim for a. mm %sw 196 s it c r II & £ tu Ti 0 N I N S1 D E : 1 ¥ 1 I i $I1 N l> 7 V HE WEEK OL.